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PETRONAS #tanahairku 1.0 - DNACOMM

#tanahairku 1.0

We helped build a new platform to reach out to the Malaysian youths: inspired by a poem created in 1956.

Injecting new energy into Merdeka and Malaysia Day

#tanahairku was born to bring us back to the basics of what our independence and being Malaysian means.

We mashed the words of a pre-Merdeka poem, the talents of music industry personalities and the energy of upcoming performers to create content from the ground up to digital platforms.

But more importantly is what these efforts generated beyond the clicks and chatter – a new platform for PETRONAS to reach out to the youths of Malaysia.



watch our case study

#tanahairku the music video

#tanahairku the flashmobs

#tanahairku the final showcase
